Topic Of The Week : Xiaxue

Xiaxue, Love Her or Hate her?

Well, Obviously. Let's guess my answer.

I have to be honest when I say I really admire Wendy Cheng. She's come a LONG ways from that typical asian girl to this spectacular woman. I've read plenty of hate mails people send and quite frankly, I'm not too amused by it. Why does everyone look down on her? Just because she got nose jobs and surgery and OPENLY ADMITS it? Seriously, That's a bad bitch right there. She ADMITS she has surgery, wears contacts and does all of that. At least she wasn't pulling the Dakota Rose and just overly photo-shopping herself to look bone thin and all of those things. She actually dieted so she got thin, and so what if she dyes her hair? Mostly everyone does it nowadays. Hell, I just. She's pretty level headed from what I see. Just because she is a 'blonde' doesn't make her a bimbo. Wow, Grow up.  

What's To Hate?

I don't see any reason to hate her. Sure ,she is really vicious when she feels the need to be or when someone in attacking her and she is damn right. It's only natural to retaliate to someone insulting you. So, I'm quite proud of how she handles situations. Me? I handle it so much better than I used to. I usually just think that Wendy Cheng is a big inspiration to other people. What is the deal with her? Nothing. She is a normal person. ?And at the end of the day she is happy with where she has gotten with her life while people who seem to hate her are probably sitting around being jealous and those things. I know her attitude sometimes is catching. You'll read a post and be like, "Well...That was a bit mean." But, that is how she handles things. And if you've been following and reading up on her for a good while that her blog has been opened then you will be pretty understanding too. But, I guess I just see things much differently than everyone else. Not everyone loves certain individuals and not everyone hates a certain person either. That is just the way it goes. So, That is just my standpoint. What about everyone else? Tell me how you guys and gals feel about 'er.

Wendy Cheng/ Well Known "Xiaxue"