
Thinspo, And Catch-Up

Yo, Peoples. I've been all busy as hell. 
So, My car is basically busted up and unusable, I'm getting a mustang. Hell yes, Gyaru Kei time for the fullest~
But I was too devastated to take pictures of my old car.
Long story short, It's wrecked the hell up. I got in a car accident so the hood latch busted and the hood was already kinda bent. But while I was driving it home from my classes about 4 days ago, the hood flew up and smashed the shit out of my windshield, leaving it unable to drive. Bullshit man. 
Then the next night when I got my mother to take me to get it with a co-worker of ours, We found that someone stole the freaking battery from my car. Fucking nice, Right?
So it began, my LONG and TIRING journey to find my dream car within a small budget.
I just wanted a Mustang, So I said. But as the search got deeper, I became VERY picky. I didn't want ANYTHING older than 2000 because It will be MY car, I want to be able to drive it to Washington when I move with my husband in December. So call it what you want, But if it's my money don't I have rights to be picky with how I spend it?
Well yeah. So we found the perfect 2008 Mustang but it was strangely only $8000, So I was very skeptical, come to find out all the cars on the lot are not only used but they are lemon cars, Accident cars that also have a lot of internal status issues, the dealer just fixed the outside and tiny problems but gives them away with big issues. So I was like "Hell no." And we kept on searching. It was absolutely frustrating, I broke down and actually cried about one time. I mean, now that I think about it. BIGBANG was an amazing car, Old as hell, but very amazing, he got me where I wanted ( Yes, I gave  my car gender and gave it a name. LOL That must be strange, But I get attached.) And overall, he was just... A hand me down car, Not a lot of work on my part. But also, Both my brothers had the car and the 2nd brother didn't take care of it very well. So I was left with blown cylinders, gas pump issues, and other things.
Above all, maybe it was just BIGBANG's time and my time to also move on. I did cry at the fact that this car broke down, and is no good anymore. But in the same, Today is a significant day for me. I found the perfect car last night with my mother and her boyfriend. So we decided on it for definite. The problem is that the engine rings have basically been fucked. This is not your average 2004 Mustang GT, It's been suped the fawk up. Someone took this shit, and turned it into some kind of Tokyo Drift car. Fucking' rad. And I got it at a VERY cheap price of $3500 BECAUSE the rings are kinda of shot. Luckily, my mom's bf has friends in high places, So I hope that we'll get it fixed. I get the car today, then by Monday if I put it in the shoppe now, It'll be good as new without me really having to use any money. How wonderful.

But this is a picture of what it kinda resembles. I'll take actual pictures and put them up either tonight or tomorrow. It's got a V8 Engine (POWERRRRR) And only 115,000 Miles on the dot. Then again, the Dealer disabled the RPM and the freaking mileage so when we test drove it, nothing really happened other than it going a certain speed, and  HELLA smoking. But yeah, There really isn't any problems with the car besides that which is actually a VERY good deal. I also hear a Mustang can last a LONG time if it's taken care of well, So I'm really gonna shell out for this car. SO gonna shell out. 

And also in other news, I lost 2 more Kg. Hell yes. My appetite is also shrinking. I find that I really do well eating about 2 small meals and majority of drinking bottles of water and things. It is helping me to watch my intake of calories and things. So I am officially around 44-45 Kg. I still want to keep going. I just don't have set weight yet, but I want my thighs to be slimmer. So much slimmer. I cried when I was finally able to fit into size 3 Jeans, since I used to have to wear size 5. So it's a nice feeling. Right?  I'm always watching Xiaxue as my thinspo, She's gorgeous. I am feeling pretty good about myself, just now regretting cutting it. Fawwk. I know better than to slice and dice it when it wasn't super long. Also, I don't really want my hair to be getting thinned/razored for a long time. It's a bit too thin looking lately. So I will spend the entire time from now till the end of summer growing it out, I'll do my best not to put heat on it. Just wear it natural, but it's not hardly curly like it used to be before the cuts. It's just frizzy and messy looking. I hate it, So It's mandatory to flat-iron it. >>; Unless I wear it in a bun continuously. But yeah. This is so much to read. I'm sorry~! 
That's all for now, Rock on Hair junkies. LOLOL Jk jk.
I'll post more soon.